
I write about anything that interests me or anything that seems useful to document.


7 Aug 2021

Note : Difference Between a Trapdoor and a Backdoor

3 Jul 2021

(Take 2) - Using the Inner Product Argument as a Polynomial Commitment Scheme

2 Jul 2021

(Take 1) - Using the Inner Product Argument as a Polynomial Commitment Scheme

1 Jul 2021

Dividing In Lagrange basis when one of the points is zero - Generalised

16 Feb 2021

ENT - Algebraic Numbers And Minimal Polynomial

9 Feb 2021

ENT - Brief Refresher to Field Extensions

2 Feb 2021

ENT - Multiplicative Inverse, Fermat's Little Theorem, Bezout's algorithm

26 Jan 2021

ENT - Residue Classes and Modulus

19 Jan 2021

ENT - Euclidean Algorithm

12 Jan 2021

ENT - Divisor, Division and Primes

5 Jan 2021

Elementary Number Theory(ENT) - Units

3 Jan 2021

Yao's Garbled Circuits - AND Gate

27 Dec 2020

Arithmetic Circuit - Comparing Integers

20 Dec 2020

Rust : Nested For Loops In Rust

5 Dec 2020

Adding Randomisation To Complexity Classes

5 Dec 2020

Complexity Class - RP

1 Dec 2020

Knowledge in Complexity Theory - High Level

1 Dec 2020

Randomness in Complexity Theory - High Level

28 Nov 2020

Basic Architecture of an ECC library

28 Nov 2020

Motivation - Primer on Complexity

15 Nov 2020

Basics of Computability - Cleaning Up Terminology - C4

15 Nov 2020

Basics of Computability - Describing A Turing Machine - C2

15 Nov 2020

Basics of Computability - Formal Definition of a Turing Machine - C3

15 Nov 2020

Basics of Computability - Purpose of A Turing Machine - C1

8 Nov 2020

Primer On Computability

1 Nov 2020

Designing a programming language - Philosophically

1 Feb 2020

Note : How RangeProofs Work In Barretenberg(Aztec)